Child Playing

The product liability lawyers at Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation again advise consumers of a recent, voluntary product recall involving children's rattlers. There is no law firm more passionate about removing dangerous and defective children's products from the marketplace than us.

This recall was instituted in conjunction and cooperation with the United States Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC). The formal name of the recalled product is “Oball Rattles.” The product defect associated with these rattles involves the clear plastic disc on the outside of the ball which can break. When it breaks, it releases small beads, thereby posing a choking hazard to infants and young children. The date of recall for this children's product was March 2, 2017 and CPSC assigned recall number: 17-104.

There are approximately 680,000 of these units currently in distribution within the U.S., and an additional 17,000 such units were sold in Canada. In terms of product identification, these rattles include Oball Rattles in blue, green orange and pink. They have a model number - 81031 - printed clearly within the inner surface of one plastic disc included on the packaging. These balls have twenty-eight (28) finger holes and measure approximately four (4) inches in diameter. Further, embedded within the rattles, a clear plastic disc with all orange beads can be found, coupled with two (2), clear plastic discs. These beads have different colors on the perimeter. Significantly, rattles with the following date codes are included in this product recall:




T2856; and


The first three numbers correspond to the day of year and the remaining digit represents the year of the unit's production. The company is already in receipt of forty-two (42) reports from the field of these plastic discs breaking and releasing the small beads within it. This includes reports of beads found within children’s mouths and reports of “gagging on the beads” according to the company. These children's products were sold at retail at Target, Walgreens, Walmart and similar such retailers nationally - and additionally sold online at,, and Various other online retailers have sold these recalled products from dates ranging from January 2016 to February 2017. They had varying price points between $5 and $7. They were manufactured in China.

The product liability lawyers at Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation never stop advocating for our clients and we pride ourselves on removing dangerous and defective products from the marketplace - especially those products marketed exclusively for children's use. Our firm shares the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission's values for a zero tolerance policy for defective children's products.

If your child has been catastrophically injured as a result of use or interaction with any defective product, contact the experienced product liability lawyers at Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation today for a free consultation to discuss your legal rights. We are experienced product liability professionals and represent families nationally and internationally who have suffered injury as a result of defective and dangerous products.

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