Famous Product Defects

Famous Product Defects

Product defects are no secret. While manufacturers try to hide them, they eventually come out into the public eye—often at the expense of innocent victims. In fact, some problems impact millions of unsuspecting individuals and it’s not until an item is recalled are the true dangers known.

Unfortunately, there are many cases to look back on in terms of product liability. Some are still going on and there are more and more instances of items being recalled. Below, you’ll learn more about some of the most famous product defects that have occurred over the years.

Takata Airbags

This is one of the most famous in recent memory as it stems from 2008 and is still ongoing. The overall cost of the defect? Over $24 billion. The recall states that the airbag inflators are defective and can explode, releasing shrapnel into the vehicle. There have been at least 20 deaths linked to this defect and over 37 million vehicles recalled.

Vioxx Recall

The medication Vioxx from manufacturer Merck’s has resulted in serious harm in the form of strokes and heart attacks. The arthritis medication was taken by 20 million Americans during its five years on the market.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7

In 2016, there were countless reports of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone experiencing significant problems and numerous devices bursting into flames. The problem was an overheating battery and there were 96 reports within the first two months following the device’s launch.

Firestone Tires and Ford

The year 2000 was a difficult one for Firestone Tires and many defective tires were reported. In fact, they were linked to 271 total deaths and upwards of 800 in the United States. This was an almost devastating blow for the company as it had to recall 6.5 million tires while Ford replaced millions more.

Our team at Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation works hard to help injured individuals recognize their rights following a product defect. We work hard to guide our clients through the complicated process and take on large manufacturers when defective products cause harm.

You can count on our Los Angeles product liability attorneys to help you move forward and pursue the compensation you need.

Call us at (866) 884-1717 today for more information.

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