What are Common Automobile Defects?

Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation

If you have ever seen a car accident, you most likely have seen the parties involved get out of their vehicles, look at each other, and start to point the fingers in blame. While it is true that most auto accidents are caused by the negligent actions of one party, there are some situations in which a third party may hold some liability.

Auto defects are more serious than many people think and they are also pretty common when you look at recent history. Understanding the various ways in which auto parts can be defective can help you discover your rights to pursue legal action.

Tires and Tread Separation

Tires are very important to the safety of drivers and passengers—and essentially everyone else on the road. They must be manufactured and properly installed to prevent serious problems. Unfortunately, there are some situations where used tires are advertised and new.

One of the biggest problems in terms of tire defects is tread separation. Manufacturing can be faulty and the tread can separate while the vehicle is moving, causing a significant blowout and the driver can lose control resulting in a serious crash.

Airbag Defects

The most recent cases involving Takata airbags have shown that these can cause serious and deadly results when a defect is present. It’s imperative that manufacturers ensure their products are safe before installing them in vehicles.

Brake Failure

Brakes must be properly manufactured and maintained in order to stop vehicles when necessary. If a brake fails, it can cause the vehicle to go full force into another vehicle in traffic or at an intersection. These are the types of defects that can create significant harm when a part fails.

At Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation, we’re well aware of the various ways auto parts can be considered defective, as well as the potential harm they can cause. It is imperative for manufacturers to ensure the products they are making are safe and free from dangers.

When something goes wrong and you suffer an injury due to a product defect, our Los Angeles product liability lawyers are here to help you understand your rights. Trust that we’re working towards your best interests and want to help you get the compensation you need.

For a free consultation, give us a call today: (866) 884-1717.

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