How Employers Can Make Work Environments Safer

construction workers reviewing documents

Employers must keep their workers safe. While the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has guidelines and standards for ensuring workplace safety, meeting those requirements is only half the battle.

To mitigate the risk of accidents in the long-term, employers need to be proactive. Here are a few ways employers can make work environments safer.

Scheduled Inspections

OSHA regulations require that employers perform regular workplace and machinery inspections. While inspectors may come every few months, scheduling regular inspections is a proactive step that will keep the workplace prepared for any government inspection.

Inspections will also prevent workplace accidents by identifying and fixing issues as soon as they appear, rather than allowing them to worsen over time.

Regular Maintenance

Maintenance and replacing parts is just as important as scheduled inspections. Workers who notice issues with their machinery should be encouraged to report the problem immediately.

Working with dull or worn-down machinery is a recipe for a workplace accident. Parts should be replaced when they start to show signs of wear, not when they’re on their last legs.

On-Site Training

Training is an ongoing process. The more training and reinforcement workers have, the better informed they become, and the less likely they are to be involved in workplace accidents. OSHA requires that employees have training for their occupation, new procedures, and first aid. However, many employers find that regular safety meetings can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Training should be frequent and regularly scheduled. The more safety procedures are reinforced, the less likely workers are to have a severe accident.

If you or someone you love suffered serious injuries or even wrongful death in a workplace accident, we will fight for you. If you’d like an experienced Los Angeles attorney from Shoop | A Professional Law Corporation to evaluate your case, please call (866) 884-1717.

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